7.3 Working Together to Resolve Professional Differences (escalation and resolution)


1. When to use this procedure

This procedure is not for use where there are systemic issues nor as a replacement for agencies complaints processes.

Please click here to access the procedure for working together to resolve professional differences in relation to child protection conferences.

2. Why is this important?

Multi-agency working will sometimes give rise to differences of opinion or concerns about safeguarding practice in relation to a child and/or family member. Practitioners may have differing views of what the right approach to safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of a child should be. It may also be the case that occasionally the needs of some children and families do not easily translate into the application of threshold criteria. 

However, throughout our work the child is always our shared primary concern and professional disagreements must not get in the way of this. If you feel that a practitioner is not acting in the best interests of a child you have a responsibility to respectfully challenge the practitioner and if resolution cannot be achieved, to escalate your concern. 

This document, agreed by safeguarding partners across HIPS, provides that procedure for all practitioners who work with children and families across the Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton region.

Please note Working Together to Safeguard Children statutory guidance also requires that Relevant Agencies have in place clear escalation policies for the staff to follow when their child safeguarding concerns are not being addressed within their organisation or by other multi agency practitioners.

 3. Stages of resolving professional differences


 Please note timescales are indicative and it is recognised that these should be dictated by the needs of the child. Practitioners should consider with their line manager/safeguarding leads if the needs of the child indicate more immediate resolution is required. It is recognised all organisational structures/roles may not be the same, please follow your organisational structure.

Local Safeguarding Children Partnership contact details

Hampshire LSCP: hscp@hants.gov.uk

Isle of Wight LSCP: scp@iow.gov.uk

Portsmouth LSCP: pscp@portsmouthcc.gov.uk

Southampton LSCP: Safeguarding.partnershipsteam@southampton.gov.uk


Resources that may also support you

Guidance supporting Working Together to Resolve Professional Differences [escalation and resolution]

HIPS Working together to resolve professional differences in relation to child protection conferences

Rethink – Portsmouth Safeguarding Children Partnership

Reflecting Teams – Southampton Safeguarding Children Partnership

Professionals Meetings Guidance - Hampshire Safeguarding Children Partnership

Professionals Meetings Guidance – Isle of Wight Safeguarding Children Partnership. 















This page is correct as printed on Thursday 27th of March 2025 09:30:36 PM please refer back to this website (http://hipsprocedures.org.uk) for updates.